The LAR toolkit (v3) is developed in ROS and is therefore
organised in packages. For easier association, these packages
are organised physically in sets of packages that share
some similar funcionality. Many of the packages depend
on ROS own packages, but some also depend on LAR toolkit's
packages spread over the package sets.
This document illustrates the depedencies of packages within
each of the several package sets that make up the LAR toolkit.
The package sets currently present in the LAR toolkit are: applications
Legend for figures:
yellow blocks - packages from the set that depend on others but are not dependencies inside this package set
blue blocks - packages that are dependencies for other packages in this package set
white blocks - packages not from LAR toolkit (mostly external or from ROS repository)
Inside the yellow blocks is also mentioned the original creator
of the package, the date of the last modification and its correspondent SVN revision.
Blocks may also include an icon stating the quality of documental package description:
- Poor description (in either manifest.xml or mainpage.dox)
- Absent description (both in mainpage.dox and mainpage.dox)
Individual statistics of packages can be found here.
Contains the launch files/commands to deploy applications.
This also include some base procedures for demonstrations,
for example. No source code is expected in this package set.
This package set includes the following packages
highlighted in yellow in the figure: atlascar.
Contains packages concerning the control of hardware
devices: the bases. Each base (one package) may contain
several nodes (executables) regarding different hardware
subsystems. The bases are normally robots basic motion
units or dedicated subsystems with own motion independent
of the robot motion itself. Most of these nodes use
other utils packages for motor driver interface and similar.
This package set includes the following packages
highlighted in yellow in the figure: humanoid_control, atlasmv_base, atlascar_ptu, phantom_control, atlascar_base, laser_rotate3D, foveation_control, phua_haptic, ptu46, ptu_control.
Contains packages regarding demonstrations,
including the required launch files as well
as instructions or other launch files from
other packages or applications.
This package set includes the following packages
highlighted in yellow in the figure: follow_pedestrian, phantom_filter.
Contains packages concerning Human Machine interface.
This includes monitoring and information display form
the robots, and teleoperation interfaces.
This package set includes the following packages
highlighted in yellow in the figure: vrep_common, phantom_dual, atlas_sound_player, remote_monitor, atlascar_teleop.
Contains packages concerning navigation in a
more broad approach, not included in other specific
package sets such as planning.
This may include following a leader, avoid obstacles
in potential fields or RRT approaches and similar.
It covers the steps to calculate the actual immediate
motion directives according to some specific algorithms
that extract information from perception and possibly
conditioned to planning restrictions
This package set includes the following packages
highlighted in yellow in the figure: leader_follower.
Contains packages concerned with sensorial data
interpretation and representation. It covers algorithms
to transform and extract from raw (or barely processed)
sensorial data some kind of higher-level meaning.
This covers both for exteroception (enviroment) and
proprioception (robots internal state).
This package set includes the following packages
highlighted in yellow in the figure: driver_recognition, navigability_map, lidar_egomotion, parking_detection, pointcloud_segmentation, atlascar_egomotion, haptic_force, driver_monitoring, road_recognition, caltech_lanes, polygon_primitive_msg, polygon_primitives_extraction, lidar_segmentation, mtt, PedestrianDetect.
Contains packages concerning motion planning in the
context of navigation, such as trajectory planning
for local nabvigation actions or more long term
path or course planning such as map based planning.
This package set includes the following packages
highlighted in yellow in the figure: trajectory_planner.
Contains packages concerning interface with sensors
without any dedicated data processing. The packages
connect to hardware or use other packages that interface
the low level (data acquisition from sensors and similar
devices). Occasionally, these packages may produce
several representations of the same data, such as polar
and cartesian measurements form environment.
This package set includes the following packages
highlighted in yellow in the figure: optoelectric, pressure_cells, human_driver_monitor, odometer, gps, LMS1xx, libLMS1xx, laser3D_pointcloud, xb3, lse_xsens_mti, imu_network.
Contains packages that are generic utilities
that can be used by other packages. They can
be drivers to common hardware, pre-processing
algorithms, data transformation, etc.
This package set includes the following packages
highlighted in yellow in the figure: mit_darpa_logs_player, database_interface, wrapper_collada, plane_model_road_segmentation, hitec5980sg, kmlPathCreator, device_mapper, kfilter, bo_polygon2d, tcp_client, human_leader, cereal_port, serialcom, process_target, points_from_volume, colormap, pc_accumulation, topic_priority. Page generated on LARS, Wed Jul 23 04:35:58 WEST 2014